Grob's Basic Electronics 11th Edition By Mitchel E. Schultz

Book Name: Grob's Basic Electronics
Author Name: Mitchel E. Schultz
Edition: Eleventh Edition
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Pages: 1233 pages
Size: 56.3 MB
Type: Text Book


"Grob's Basic Electronics, Eleventh Edition" is written for the beginning student pursuing a technical degree in Electronics Technology. In covering the fundamentals of electricity and electronics, this text focuses on essential topics for the technician, and the all-important development of testing and troubleshooting skills. This highly practical approach combines clear, carefully-laid-out explanations of key topics with good, worked-out examples and problems to solve. Review problems that follow each section reinforce the material just completed, making this a very student-friendly text. It is a thoroughly accessible introduction to basic DC and AC circuits and electronic devices. This eleventh edition of this longtime best-selling text has been refined, updated and made more student friendly. The focus on absolutely essential knowledge for technicians, and focus on real-world applications of these basic concepts makes it ideal for today's technology students.

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