Assembly Language for x86 Processors 7th Edition by Kip Irvine

Assembly Language for x86 Processors 7th Edition by Kip Irvine
Book Name: Assembly Language For x86 Processors
Author Name: Kip R. Irvine
Edition: Seventh Edition
Publisher: Pearson
Pages: 873 pages
Size: 10.7 MB
Type: Text Book
Format: pdf


     Assembly Language for x86 Processors, 7th Edition, is intended for use in undergraduate courses in assembly language programming and introductory courses in computer systems and computer architecture. This book describes different terminologies with easy explanation for better understand of the topics. Every topic is start with an overview and end with a conclusion which helps the reader to better understand and catch the main key points easily. This title is also suitable for embedded systems programmers and engineers, communication specialists, game programmers, and graphics programmers. Proficiency in one other programming language, preferably Java, C, or C++, is recommended. 

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