Operating Systems & Networks

Operating Systems & Networks
Operating Systems & Networks
The book Operating Systems & Networks is for Computer Science Students. This book is about the structure and functions of operating systems and networks. Its purpose is to present the nature, characteristics and working of modern operating systems, as clearly and comprehensively as possible.

The book is very helpful for the students who study the course of operating systems in different universities and colleges in the classes of MS-CS, MCS, BS-CS, BS-IT, and BA/B.Sc.

There are thirteen chapters in the book. Each chapter begins with an outline of the chapter and ends with a number of review questions with answers, which will help the students to great extent. The book also contains a large number of figures and tables to explain the concepts of operating system and networks.

The book also includes comprehensive chapters on Windows 2000 Professional. The chapters give fundamental and practical knowledge of the subject. It also includes objective type questions with answers. These questions are specially prepared for examination point of view and will help the students to get higher marks.

This book is published by IT Series Publications and authors of the book are Tariq Mahmood and Imran Saeed.


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