Computer Graphics C Version 2nd Edition by Hearn, Baker

Computer Graphics C Version 2nd Edition by Hearn, Baker
Book Name: Computer Graphics: C Version
Author Name: Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker
Edition: Second Edition
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Pages: 662 Pages
Size: 18.6 MB
Type: Text Book
Format: pdf


     Computer Graphics: C Version 2nd Edition, is for junior-to-graduate-level courses in computer graphics. Also, widely used for professional self-study. Reflecting the rapid expansion of the use of computer graphics and of C as a programming language of choice for implementation, this new version of the best-selling Hearn and Baker text converts all programming code into the C language. Assuming the reader has no prior familiarity with computer graphics, the authors present basic principles for design, use, and understanding of computer graphics systems. The authors are widely considered authorities in computer graphics, and are known for their accessible writing style.

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