Computer Graphics Principles and Practice 3rd Edition

Computer Graphics Principles and Practice 3rd Edition
Book Name: Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice
Author Name: John F. Hughes, Andries van Dam, Morgan McGuire, David F. Sklar, James D. Foley, Steven K. Feiner, Kurt Akeley
Edition: Third Edition
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 1262 Pages
Size: 19.1 MB
Type: Text Book
Format: pdf


     Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition, remains the most authoritative introduction to the field. The first edition, the original �Foley and van Dam,� helped to define computer graphics and how it could be taught. The second edition became an even more comprehensive resource for practitioners and students alike. This third edition has been completely rewritten to provide detailed and up-to-date coverage of key concepts, algorithms, technologies, and applications.

     The authors explain the principles, as well as the mathematics, underlying computer graphics�knowledge that is essential for successful work both now and in the future. Early chapters show how to create 2D and 3D pictures right away, supporting experimentation. Later chapters, covering a broad range of topics, demonstrate more sophisticated approaches. Sections on current computer graphics practice show how to apply given principles in common situations, such as how to approximate an ideal solution on available hardware, or how to represent a data structure more efficiently. Topics are reinforced by exercises, program�ming problems, and hands-on projects.

This revised edition features
  • New coverage of the rendering equation, GPU architecture considerations, and importance- sampling in physically based rendering
  • An emphasis on modern approaches, as in a new chapter on probability theory for use in Monte-Carlo rendering
  • Implementations of GPU shaders, software rendering, and graphics-intensive 3D interfaces
  • 3D real-time graphics platforms�their design goals and trade-offs�including new mobile and browser platforms
  • Programming and debugging approaches unique to graphics development 
     The wealth of information in this book makes it the essential resource for anyone working in or studying any aspect of computer graphics. This book describes different terminologies with easy explanation for better understand of the topics. Every topic is start with an overview and end with a conclusion which helps the reader to better understand and catch the main key points easily.

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